18 April 2018

MICF: Days of Our Hives

Days of our Hives
Alanta Colley
12 April 2018
to 22 April

Alanta Colley

Listen to the buzz about this one. Beelieve me.

Sorry. I tried not to pun because Alanta Colley isn't a pun fan. But they drip like...

Colley works in pubic health, education and international development. She also knows a lot about bees and has her own backyard hive in Northcote.

Days of our Hives is her story about her bees – I had no idea that so few bees make honey – and about how it takes a community to look after them.

Some of the most delightfully engaging stand-up is simple story telling. Not that there's anything simple about chasing a swarm of bees down an urban street with Italian nonnas, grumpy bee-poo-hating neighbours and old factories to contend with.

If I didn't live in a rented flat, I would so have a hive of bees, and I don't care if honey is bee vomit.